In 2018, it is known that a young man named Srinivasa Rao attacked ycp leader YS jagan with a chicken knife at the visakha airport. At that time, the ycp leaders along with jagan alleged that they tried to kill Jagan. Recently, the National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is investigating the case, said that there is no conspiracy in this case in the vijayawada court. It is said that this matter will be revealed only after investigating the case in full. The NIA reported to the vijayawada court that the tdp leaders have nothing to do with the party as alleged by Jagan. To this extent, the IA also informed the court about the information disclosed by the accused Srinivasa Rao. The NIA has attached the counter e-statement of the chargesheet to the statements made by the accused Janipalli Srinivasa Rao in the earlier investigation.
"I have been a ysr fan since the beginning. I wanted jagan to come to power. I attacked jagan with a chicken knife to get people's sympathy. I thought that if this is done, sympathy for jagan will increase through the media. In this order, the hen was sterilized twice to prevent any danger to Jagan. I went to give tea to jagan and told him that this time he will win the election with 160 seats. He laughed at my words.
YCP leaders attacked me as soon as they attacked jagan with a chicken knife. "At that time Andhra police beat me badly. He asked who was behind this incident. I said that I had committed the attack with my own thinking. No matter how many times I asked, I said the same thing. I apologize to jagan sir and my parents for this," Srinivasa Rao explained in the NIA investigation. The NIA officials took these points to the attention of the vijayawada NIA court. He wanted to end the investigation in the chicken knife case as it was revealed that there was no conspiracy involved.