Telangana - State will set up Telangana Robotics Innovation Center

The framework's main principles are that the state will establish a Robo Park with testing facilities, co-working alternatives, and co-production/manufacturing options, either at locations controlled by the state or in collaboration with businesses, academia, and incubators, at affordable prices. A top-notch robotics accelerator will also be created by the state to give entrepreneurs the incubation, infrastructure, authorization support, market knowledge, investor connections, and mentorship support they need.
The government has identified five major pillars that must be addressed in order to realize the framework's vision: responsible deployment, business enablement, promoting research & innovation, and infrastructure access. The telangana Robotics Innovation Centre (TRIC), a separate organization the state will create, would be in charge of putting this framework into action and serve as the focal point for doing so.

A total of five organizations, including academic institutions, business groups, and incubators, signed MoUs with the state government. They are the All india Robotics Association (AIRA), IIT hyderabad, ART PARK IISC, GMR hyderabad International airport Ltd (GHIAL), AgHub (PJTSAU), and IIT Hyderabad. The state government intends to host a Global Robotics Summit in order to highlight its expanding robotics ecosystem and entice investment from around the globe.

Startups, researchers, and business executives will have a platform to present their work at the summit, network with possible collaborators and investors, and look into new business opportunities. Jayesh Ranjan, principal secretary for ITE&C and industries, and rama devi Lanka, director of emerging technologies, both spoke at the event.

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