Chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will preside over the maiden State cabinet meeting at the new Dr. BR Ambedkar telangana State secretariat on Thursday. The telangana State Formation Day preparations and other topics are anticipated to be covered during the cabinet meeting, which starts at 3 o'clock.
Telangana State's tenth anniversary of its founding will be celebrated in style, the chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said on Saturday. In a high-level review he held in his secretariat chambers, he said that the decennial celebration will represent the glory of the state and showcase the swift advancements made under the BRS rule on all fronts to satisfy the ambitions of its citizens.
Everyone from the countryside to the state capital should participate in the festivities. There will be celebrations starting on june 2 and lasting for 21 days. The major event will be opened by the chief minister at the BR Ambedkar telangana secretariat, and similar events will be held by the state ministers in the district headquarters where they are assigned.
The chief minister declared, "We are entering the 10th year after completing nine years of self rule by june 2, 2023 after achieving the state of Telangana." telangana state was established following extensive tribulations. It is the nation's youngest state. telangana is currently producing tremendous outcomes in every field thanks to the combined efforts of the people's representatives and the government apparatus.