Pawan Kalyan, the leader of Jana Sena, has been quite outspoken about the chaos inside the YSRC-led ap administration. In his most recent vicious attack, Pawan poured fire on jagan and even made some grave criticisms of the latter's conceit. "Our chief minister is the most cowardly in all of Andhra Pradesh. To protect his holdings, he relocated thousands of crores of property to Telangana. said Pawan Kalyan.
According to the bifurcations law, andhra pradesh should receive hundreds of crores worth of properties that are physically located in Telangana. But jagan abandoned everything in order to protect his assets there, which are worth $300 million. He prioritized his own interests over the needs of the state. He asserted. Once he is elected to power in the next election, Pawan promised to resolve the political situation in the Godavari districts.
How could AP's properties be left "unsettled" in telangana, the JS head questioned the CM. The telangana government delisted 23 castes off its bc list, and he attacked the YSRC leaders for their "failure" to resist. pawan kalyan strongly supported conducting a census of the underprivileged in order to determine the number of members of each caste depending on the proportion of their population. He declared, "I would assist in bringing them justice." He encouraged all political parties to call for a caste-based or bc census.