Tushar Sumera IAS officer who scored only 35 pass marks..!?


Tushar Sumera IAS officer who scored only 35 pass marks..!?

Tusshar Sumera's life story is an inspiration to many. He is a 2012 batch IAS officer. He passed english in class 10th with just 35 marks. Tusshar Sumera's life story is an inspiration to many. He is a 2012 batch IAS officer. Presently serving as collector and district Magistrate of Bharuch, Gujarat. Last year his 10th-class mark sheet went viral. Tushar Sumera scored only pass marks in english, Mathematics, and Science. But he passed UPSC which is one of the toughest exams in the world and succeeded.

Tushar Sumera cleared UPSC in 2012. IAS Avanish Sharan, a 2009-batch IAS officer of the chhattisgarh cadre, shared Tushar Sumera's Class 10 mark sheet on social media last year. Out of which he scored 35 in english, 36 in Mathematics, and only 38 in Science. 33 is the passing cut-off in India. Despite being a below-average student, to begin with, his passing UPSC is a huge achievement. He said that when he scored 35 out of 100 in english and 36 in Mathematics, he would not be able to do anything in the future not only in the whole town but also in his school.

Tushar Sumera worked as a teacher after graduating in Arts. He wrote UPSC in 2012 and passed. Through his self-study, he learned english and Mathematics through persistent efforts.

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