Water contamination in many areas of Jalmandal

Due to the negligence of Jalmandal officials, people's lives are suffering. Sewage water is mixing with drinking water in the street near raghavendra Nursing home near usha Nursing Home. Although this was brought to the attention of the authorities, no one came and checked. local residents have expressed their anger against the authorities that no action has been taken. For 15 days, sewage water has been mixing with the water supplied by Jalmandal. The water has been smelling since two days. Even the water is not fit to drink. This serious problem has been brought to the notice of the corporation officials. However, they are shrugging off the responsibility by telling each other that this is not within our reach. Vomiting and dysentery started in some people who drank contaminated water. A doctor of a private hospital has expressed outrage at the behavior of the corporation officials and staff as to who will be responsible if there is more shortage.

Due to the negligence of Jalmandal officials, people's lives are suffering. Sewage water is mixing with drinking water in the street near raghavendra Nursing home near usha Nursing Home. Although this was brought to the attention of the authorities, no one came and checked. local residents have expressed their anger against the authorities that no action has been taken. Sewage water is being mixed with the drinking water supplied to the houses around raghavendra Nursing home on Savalanga Road in Rabindra nagar of the city. Citizens do not know this problem and the situation is created by the polluted water. Already some women and elderly are facing health problems along with vomiting and dysentery.

Flyover work is going on at Savalanga Road. During this work, the pipeline may be damaged and supply dirty water. An officer of the Drinking Water Supply Board has assured that the matter will be investigated and further action will be taken.

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