The police have warned the public to exercise "cautious caution" on online investment frauds advertised on the data-facebook page and Telegram account labeled "Laila Rao." The warning was issued after authorities discovered that numerous middle-class ladies had fallen victim to con artists' lures and theft of significant sums of money. The warning claims that con artists are using high-profile businessmen's talks to create phony audiovisuals of online television debate films featuring 'Laila Rao' and her well-documented efforts to empower women.
The hoax mostly uses data-facebook to advertise itself. Videos of the alleged laila Rao going about her daily business are posted there, with captions like, "I am an investor, amazing mum, and happy wife. "I can assist indian women with investments," a police officer claimed. They are also running channels on Telegram such as “Laila Super”, “Laila – ur investment guide”, “Laila Rao Best”, and many others.
When you message someone on the "Big Incomes" Telegram channel, a false news piece about laila Rao's rags-to-riches journey is instantly sent to them. Several fictitious screenshots of money transfers and whatsapp messages from purported users praising laila Rao for transforming their lives are sent by another account. The police claimed that at that point, demands for funds for investments began. "Investment fraud should be taken seriously by everyone. There have been complaints made in every state in the nation. The cybercrime police claimed that the con artists were simultaneously operating from many jurisdictions.