Telangana Hyderabad Old City set to log into IT boom with Rs 700 crore iconic tower at Malakpet
Speaking during the ceremony to lay the project's foundation stone, ktr said that it will be finished in 36 months, become the Old City's new stylish emblem, and tower above Malakpet. He assured the crowd that his administration would make sure that IT behemoths establish offices there, greatly enhancing the Old City ecology. "The malakpet IT Tower will be designed to promote innovation and collaboration, bringing together experts to develop new technologies and applications," he declared. According to ktr, his administration is working to improve Hyderabad's transport and infrastructure in order to meet growing demand.
A comprehensive plan is being developed by the government to build 415 km of metro rail to connect the whole city. He said that because of its Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb, hyderabad has developed into a brilliant example of intercommunal peace.