New York man drags mother by hair to ATM - Threatens to Kill her

According to the New York Post, a knife-wielding man in New York was detained for reportedly attempting to drag his mother violently to a nearby ATM while threatening to murder her. The accused, who has yet to be recognised by authorities, was apprehended at 8:30 a.m. on monday on New York's West 43rd Street, after a 911 call from a concerned dog walker who observed the entire episode.
According to the witness, the accused son grabbed her mother's hair and pushed her down the street. The accused emerged from a building, clutching his mother's hair and warning onlookers to keep away. "Don't come near me; I'm going to kill her," he allegedly said. "She was resisting, but I asked if everything was okay because I didn't see him with a knife." Then he said'stop talking' and threatened to murder her. Then I noticed the knife as they passed me, so I signalled to someone a little farther down that something was wrong, and then I phoned 911," the witness told the New York Post.
The accused was shackled and transported on a stretcher in a strange red and blue body suit, according to photos supplied by the New York Post. A woman, most likely the victim, is seen speaking with a police officer. Two police officers were injured during the arrest, with one being sliced in the hand while disarming the suspect and the other suffering a knee injury.

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