Minister Zahida Khan’s son’s clash with policemen goes viral


minister Zahida Khan’s troubles are increasing in the ashok gehlot government of Rajasthan. This time Congress

has made Zahida Khan its candidate from Kaman assembly constituency of Bharatpur district. On the day of

voting held on november 25, there was a dispute between the security personnel deployed at the polling booth of

sajid khan, son of congress candidate Zahida Khan. A video of the clash between the police and minister Zahida

Khan’s son sajid khan is going viral, in which the policeman and sajid khan are clashing. In this case, the police

lodged a complaint against sajid khan in the Pahari police station. sajid khan is also the head of Pahari

panchayat Samiti.

In the complaint lodged against sajid khan, police constable Lekhraj Sharma has written in the Pahari police

station that on november 25, voting was taking place at the polling booth located in Sawler village, during which

sajid khan, the head of Pahari panchayat Samiti, was present at the polling booth with his 15 supporters. Came

and started quarreling with the security personnel and created a ruckus. After this his supporters pelted stones at

the polling booth, later sajid khan fled from the spot along with his supporters. Due to which there was

obstruction in the voting work. During this period, voting was closed for about 20 minutes, on information of

which top police officials also reached the spot.

Additional Superintendent of police of Sawai Madhopur will investigate

In this regard, through policeman Lekhraj Sharma, a case has been registered against sajid khan, son of Congress

candidate and minister Zahida Khan, for tying up his acquaintance while voting and assaulting the policemen.

Pahari Circle Officer Girraj meena was investigating this case, but Inspector General of police Bharatpur Range

Rupinder Singh has handed over the investigation of this case to the Additional Superintendent of police of Sawai

Madhopur district.

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