Rajasthan Election: Congress will retain power in Rajasthan


The results of elections in rajasthan will be declared on 3 December. But before this, chief minister Ashok

Gehlot has made a big claim about the victory of congress in Rajasthan. He said that he is confident of Congress

victory in the assembly elections and said that bjp will not form the government in any of the five states where

elections are being held.

cm Gehlot said, congress government will be formed in rajasthan and in all the five states I think bjp is not

going to form the government. Gehlot said that exit polls can say something, surveys can give some

suggestions, but. Based on the response of people in cities and villages, I feel that our government should come.

Gehlot said that there is no reason why congress government will not be formed again in the state.

Gehlot enumerated those 3 reasons

While talking to the media in Delhi, Gehlot enumerated three reasons due to which he is confident that the

congress government will be formed again in Rajasthan. According to Gehlot, the first reason is that there is no

anti-incumbency wave against the state government in Rajasthan. Secondly, bjp leaders also believe that there is

no allegation against the chief minister and the third reason is that the public did not like the way Prime

minister narendra modi and other bjp leaders tried to target the congress government.

Attack on bjp leaders

Gehlot claimed, congress government of rajasthan is the only government in the country against which

there is no anti-incumbency wave. people are saying that the chief minister has left no stone unturned in

carrying out development work. Gehlot condemned the language used by bjp leaders, including Prime

minister narendra modi and Union home minister amit shah, during the election campaign, he said. , This was

the language of revenge and creating tension.

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