Burning Quran in public place no longer a crime..!?

Sekar Chandra
Desecration of the Holy Book of islam and burning in public places is illegal, the parliament of denmark has enacted a law regarding this, and this law has been approved by the parliament there. Desecration of the Holy Book of islam and burning in public places is illegal, the parliament of denmark has enacted a law regarding this, and this law has been approved by the parliament there. A few months ago, during protests in denmark and sweden (Sweden), protesters burned the holy book of Islam. There was a huge protest in Muslim countries condemning this. In this background, concerns were expressed about the security of Denmark. After this, the government has now enacted a law making it a crime to burn the Quran in public places.

According to the act, it is a crime to burn or desecrate copies of the Quran in a public place. There have been many protests this year in denmark and Sweden. During this protest, anti-Muslim fighters set fire to the Quran in the middle of the street. This led to local tensions with the Muslims in the country. Due to this, the government has now implemented the act. Denmark's central coalition government said the new rule would also have little impact on free speech. But it said there was a legitimate freedom to criticize religion in other ways.

Domestically-minded critics in sweden and denmark have complained that the act also undermines liberal liberties.

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