Complaint against Minister Murthy for collecting bribes..!?
In it, minister Murthy has accused that for the past one year, the files submitted for valuation of plots in tamil Nadu have been threatened not to issue valuation orders without asking him. He also said that a bribe of Rs. 2 lakh will be collected for determining the value of an acre. mla Pay the amount at the office set up in the hostel and from there give OK to the concerned district registrar over the phone. Soma also said that it has been illegally ordered orally that the value of the plot should be fixed only if the signal is given. Rajalingam said.
Rajalingam pointed out that the officials concerned are also helping the minister to take bribes without stopping him and aiding and abetting bribes is a punishable offense under the criminal Code. "The government has lost crores of revenue due to not being able to register thousands of documents. Please note that the regime may change. The law does not change," he said in his letter.
Since minister Murthy is acting like this even after receiving 3 years rigorous imprisonment in former minister Ponmudi's bribery case, Hon'ble high court Justice has requested him to intervene and personally take up this case and investigate it. Soma pointed out the high court order that the value determination should be done within 21 days after filing the application for valuation. Rajalingam requested that all district registrar offices should be inspected and steps should be taken to prevent bribery.