Tasmac alcohol sales peaked in March!

Tasmac alcohol sales peaked in March!

Due to the lok sabha elections and the summer heat, sales of liquor have increased in Tasmac shops in tamil Nadu

A government agency dealing in liquor in tamil Nadu. The company has the monopoly right to wholesale and retail liquor in tamil Nadu. TASMAC is functioning as a major source of revenue for the tamil Nadu government.

The government is getting annual revenue from excise duty and sales tax from the sale of liquor bottles at Tastak Liquor Stores. tamil Nadu government gets more than 40 thousand crores of revenue annually through excise and value-added tax on liquor.

On the other hand, it is customary to increase the sale of alcohol during festivals, holidays, and summers. In that way, due to the lok sabha elections and the summer heat, the sale of alcohol has increased in Tasmac shops in tamil Nadu. The date of the lok sabha election is announced and the volunteers are taken to campaigns on behalf of the political parties. They are provided with food and drinks.

Meanwhile, the summer sun is blazing. As a result, the sale of beer bottles increased to 32.72 lakh cases and the sale of liquor increased to 55.07 lakh cases in March. This is the same as last january and february sales of beer were 24.40 lakh and 26.93 lakh boxes respectively. Sales of liquor were 57 lakh cases in january and 47.34 lakh cases in February.

Tasmac stores are selling an average of 60,000 cases of beer and 1.80 lakh cases of liquor daily, but the sales have increased due to the lok sabha elections and the summer heat. Due to this, the total revenue of Tasmac stores also increased in March. Accordingly, in march alone, beer types were sold for Rs. 621 crores and liquor types were sold for Rs. 3,854 crores, totaling Rs. 4,475 crores.

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