Do you know what Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Alert means..

Do you know what red, Orange, Yellow, Green Alert means..? Here's a description of the Weather Alert!

Warnings are issued based on color to inform people about upcoming weather events and their severity.Generally, alert is one of the most frequent words we hear in every season. They are Yellow Alert, Green Alert, red Alert, Orange Alert.

What is an alert?

Alert is a code that evokes a sense of caution. That is, this alert system is used to inform the public about any changes in the weather that trigger a warning.Generally, the Meteorological Department issues periodic warnings about alerts during monsoons. That too, color-based warnings will be issued specifically to inform people of upcoming weather events and their severity. They are used as symbols in green, yellow, orange and red colors. Ok buy.. Now in this article, let's see about the colors and the situations they explain.

Warning colors and their descriptions:

Green Alert: There is no need for people to panic if there is a green alert and only if there are any warning signs, this green alert will be released by the Meteorological Department. There is no need to give this kind of advice.

Yellow Alert: This yellow alert indicates bad weather. people should be very cautious if Meteorological Department issues this yellow warning. This can even affect daily life.

Orange Alert: This orange alert is issued only when the weather conditions are bad. When this warning is released, there will be disruptions to fisheries, traffic, rail and aviation. Therefore, people are advised to avoid traveling while this warning is in effect.

Red Alert: This red alert is released only when the weather conditions are very bad. In other words, this code is a danger code. people are advised to take necessary precautions to protect their belongings while this warning is in effect. Apart from that, transport and power supply will be disrupted. Mainly because of these weather conditions, life can sometimes be lost.

Currently, most parts of tamil Nadu are experiencing a heat wave. According to the Meteorological Department, this heat wave will continue in the state for the next 3 days. Due to this, a yellow alert has been issued in the state. Tourists who have come to ooty in search of coolness to escape the heat of this summer are surprised to find that it is hot during the day. That's how much heat wave blows.

Advisory: people have been advised not to step out of their homes between noon and 3 pm to protect themselves from the scorching summer sun and if at all possible, cover their heads with a hat or cloth.

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