Elections are being held in India, so why is there panic?

Elections are being held in india, so why is there panic? 

Political temperatures are high in india regarding the lok sabha elections. Voting for two phases has been done and voting is to take place for the third. Now pakistan has also entered the indian elections. Former pakistan Union minister Fawad Chaudhary has praised congress leader rahul Gandhi. Fawad Chaudhary has suddenly come into limelight after sharing the video of rahul Gandhi. While re-sharing a video, he wrote- rahul on Foyer. With this, he has now spewed venom against prime minister Narendra Modi.

Fawad Chaudhary's statement

Fawad Chaudhary said, 'If Modi is shaken by the words of one of my posts, then imagine what Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and progressive thinking Hindus can do together? Netaji's leadership is just this! Together we have to stop the propagation of hatred and division. Vote for the one who can stop Modi's crisis, be it rahul, kejriwal or mamata Banerjee. The region needs peace, not hatred! Our salute to every leader who defeats the propaganda of hatred i.e. Modi ji.

BJP's counterattack

After the statements made towards Fawad Chaudhary in the elections being held in india, the bharatiya janata party has also adopted an aggressive stance. BJP's national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawala said about Fawad Chaudhary that Congress's hand is with Pakistan. Shehzad Poonawala wrote, earlier hafiz saeed had said that congress is his favorite party. mani shankar Aiyar had gone to pakistan to seek support to remove PM Modi. We remember that recently slogans of pakistan Zindabad were raised by congress leaders. BK Hariprasad had openly advocated for Pakistan. From time to time congress leaders defended Pakistani terrorists. Today the relationship is clear - Congress's hand is with Pakistan! Pakistan's statement from the manifesto of the Muslim League to the formation of the Muslim League has come a day after the statement of the indian alliance in which it has said that let's do 'Vote Jihad'.

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