Parliament session of Poland starts, PM Modi mentioned...

Parliament session of poland starts, PM Modi mentioned...

Do you know that relations between india and poland are very old and strong. How strong the relations are can also be understood from the way that even today, when the session of the Polish parliament begins, Jamnagar is remembered. When the session starts, Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijay Singh is remembered first. This is the respect that the people of Paland give to the indian king. The story behind this honor is also very interesting… So let us tell you what was the relationship between Maharaj Digvijay Singh and poland, how strong it was.

Roads named after Maharaja

Let us also mention here that even today Jamnagar is discussed a lot in poland and people have great respect for it. It is even said that Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijay Singh is worshiped like a god in Poland. The story of his kindness is still told to people today. When you visit poland, you will find many streets named after the Maharaja. Even today people remember Maharaja Digvijay Singh and talk about him.

Connection between Jamnagar and Poland

The reason behind why Maharaja Digvijay Singh is so respected in poland is the kindness of the Maharaja. In fact, during the Second World War, the Maharaja of Jamnagar had given shelter to hundreds of Polish citizens at his place. The Maharaja not only gave shelter to more than 700 Polish children and women, but also enrolled the children in schools. The Maharaja took full care of the refugees and provided them every possible help.


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