KCR and KTR done? Is Harish the real leader?

When the name of telangana state is mentioned, the whole country immediately remembers only the name of kcr and Harish Rao. Only these two played a vital role in telangana special movement. And if kcr was in the back, harish rao would lead from the front at key moments. Thus they participated in the telangana movement. At that time, harish rao became very highlighted. kcr ruled the state from 2014 to 2023. But in 2014, harish rao was first included in the cabinet and then slowly kcr began to sideline him.
In the end he was limited to his siddipet constituency only. Because harish rao has to step aside if ktr wants to be highlighted. Since then, ktr started appearing everywhere, staying by Harish Rao's side. ktr also led in local body elections. At that time, news was heard that ktr was keeping aside harish rao, his heir and nephew. When Teresa came to power for the second time, kcr understood the deficit without Harish Rao. They started taking him closer again. In the end, ktr and kcr campaigned together in every election. In the end, the BRS government collapsed in the 2023 elections.
Misconceptions also spread among the people that the work of BRS was over. Finally, after kcr came out with the name of bus Yatra, the crowd got a boost again. But no one cares about KTR. At the same time Harish Rao's blaming of the government's mistakes gets highlighted in the media. In this way, harish rao is gaining a good reputation as a mass leader whether he is in power or not. But no one is paying attention to KTR's words. Looking at this, political analysts say that after kcr, Harish Rave can be said to be the main successor of the party.

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