Shanti Dhariwal said - 'As soon as govt changes...'?

Shanti Dhariwal said - 'As soon as govt changes...'?

Training camps for Haj pilgrims are being set up in saudi arabia to perform Haj. Meanwhile, regarding Haj pilgrimage, former rajasthan minister Shanti Dhariwal said that vaccination and training camp for Haj pilgrims was organized in a hotel located on Bundi Road. In this camp, 256 Haj pilgrims going for Haj from Kota and Bundi participated, who were informed about the conditions there while going for Haj and information about the problems data-faced there, the system there and other arrangements was given by the experts.

Deputy Mayor Kota North and State Haj Committee member Sonu Qureshi said that 200 Haj pilgrims from Kota and 56 from Bundi i.e. a total of 256 people will go on Haj and will fulfill their dreams. He said that every Muslim has only one dream that he should go on Haj under any circumstances and bow his head before the Almighty. During the vaccination and training camp, experts gave many important information. Along with the vaccine, other medical information was also made available in the vaccination camp and checkup of Haj pilgrims was also done.

On this occasion, former minister and Kota North mla Shanti Dhariwal congratulated all the Haj pilgrims and said that with the change of government, the Haj pilgrimage has also become expensive, now one has to bear more than Rs 1 lakh for the Haj pilgrimage compared to earlier. Earlier 600 people had gone for Haj and this time 256 people are going, this should not happen, this country belongs to all religions and sects, everyone has equal rights.

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