Is this what the Congress expects to win at the centre?

There is an election rush everywhere in the country now. It is known that the parliamentary elections are going on in all the states. However, it is known that the nda alliance has already won the power twice in a row in the center as the assembly elections are also being held along with the parliamentary elections in some states. They were successful in impressing people with their rule. And now the center will move forward with the determination to score a hat-trick.

  This time, the nda alliance is pounding the table and saying that it will win in 400 seats for sure. It must be said that the people are also being campaigned with the same slogan. It will move forward strategically by integrating all the parties in the alliance. But this time the india alliance is aiming to capture the power in the center under what conditions. It must be said that the criticisms between these two alliances are also taking place at an extreme level. However, in the context of the campaigning in 10 places already over and the polling process going on, what is the Congress's assessment of the results has also become a hot topic.

  The congress believes that this time the nda government is sure to be ousted. india must believe that the alliance will come to power. Because of being in power for 10 years, it is natural for people to oppose the nda alliance. So they think that they will come together if they are against each other. On the other hand, due to the BJP's supremacy over the other parties in the nda alliance, the lotus Party is not missing out on bitter experiences in some states. It is expected that india will join the alliance if this is opposed. congress predicts that congress will win in 200 seats. Including the other parties in the alliance, it will win up to 350 seats. It remains to be seen what the voters will judge.

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