Big Development In Army! big development with an organisational framework

Big Development In Army!

The Armed Forces are ready for the big development with an organisational framework in place of integrated theatre commands. The fource are now looking at the appointment of a Vice Chief of Defence Staff and a Deputy Chief of Defence Staff. The plan to establish the three adversary-oriented theatre commands is that one must be facing pakistan and the second positioned against China, the other one will manage the maritime threat command tasked with addressing maritime threats beyond the coastal data-borders of the nation. Reportedly, the organisational structure plan can be changed after government approval.

The Vice CDS anticipated to hold the rank of General or its equivalent. Vice CDS will be expected to oversee strategic planning, capability development and procurement-related affairs. While Deputy CDS is likely to hold the rank of Lieutenant General or its equivalent. Deputy CDS will be expected to manage operations, and intelligence and coordinate the distribution of assets among theatres.

Presently, the army and the indian Air Force (IAF) each operate seven commands, while the Navy oversees three. Additionally, there are two tri-service commands: the andaman and Nicobar Command, and the Strategic Force Command. Furthermore, there exists the Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff.

However, the army and the indian Air Force (IAF) have seven commands currently. On the other hand, the Navy oversees three in addition there are other two tri-service commands: The andaman and Nicobar Command and the Strategic Force Command (SFC).

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