Players should focus only on sports in Paris Olympics

Players should focus only on sports in paris Olympics

 'Anti-Sex' beds brought, are very special in themselves

Paris olympics is in discussion. The reason is 'anti-sex bed'. Why are these beds being installed at the venue before the event? The reason is very interesting. It is believed that after the installation of these beds, players will focus only on their game rather than anything else.

Players should focus only on sports in paris olympics, organizers have adopted a wonderful idea.

Paris is called the city of loves. In future it will not live up to its name. The reason is paris olympics 2024. Preparations are in full swing for the world's biggest sports event. The player should not 'focus' on anything else and give priority only to the game. Therefore, Anti-Sex Bed has also arrived in this sports event.

It is being told that beds will soon be installed in the Olympic Village. It is expected that due to their material and small data-size, these beds will be a big challenge for those athletes who want to be intimate with each other bypassing the rules and regulations.

The beds have been manufactured by the same 'Airweave' company which supplied the beds for the tokyo Games. Then such beds were designed by the company, which would break as soon as the weight of two athletes fell on them. Explaining why he opted for a cardboard bed ahead of the tokyo Games? 'Cardboard beds are actually much stronger than beds made of wood or steel,' Airweave said.

Georgina Grenon, the organizing committee's director of environmental excellence, told Inside the Games: "I hope that such experiments at paris 2024 will show that it is possible to do things differently."

It is noteworthy that after the last Games, athletes have also told many absurd stories about the Olympic Village. table tennis player Matthew Syed has spoken openly to The Times about his time spent in the village during the 1992 Games held in Barcelona. Matthew said, 'I was in bed more times in those two and a half weeks than in my entire life.'

According to The Mirror, during the london Games in 2012, an unnamed athlete admitted to having affairs with four men. Apart from him, one man and two women were included. In the same report of The Mirror, a two-time gold medalist American athlete has been quoted as saying that I have seen people having sex in the open. According to the athlete, the athletes were then involved in intimate activities everywhere in the compound.

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