Rajasthan government will soon implement a new transfer?

Rajasthan government will soon implement a new transfer?

The results of lok sabha elections across the country will come on june 4. Along with this, the code of conduct will also be removed from june 4 in all the states including the country. Bhajan Lal Sharma's government is going to implement the new transfer policy for government officers and employees in rajasthan next month. It is being said that if this policy is implemented, transfers will not be possible at the 'will of ministers and MLAs'. A meeting was held on thursday under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sudhansh pant to finalize the draft transfer policy. In which the provisions to be included in this policy have been discussed.

Will be presented in the cabinet meeting for approval

Preparations are being made to implement the new transfer policy in rajasthan from june 4 after the code of conduct for lok sabha elections is lifted. Officials from Administrative Reforms Department, Personnel Department, education Department, Medical Department Committee and other departments were present in this meeting held in the Secretariat. Its draft has been prepared by the Administrative Reforms Department. This draft will be finalized and placed in the cabinet meeting for approval.

It will be implemented after approval in the cabinet meeting. The results of lok sabha elections will come on june 4. After this the code of conduct will be removed. It is believed that this proposal can be placed in the cabinet meeting to be held after the removal of the code of conduct. In the draft of the proposed new policy, emphasis has been laid on changing the practice of transfers taking place 'as per the wish of ministers and MLAs'.

It is noteworthy that the demand for making a transfer policy in the state has been going on for a long time. The Administrative Reforms Department had already prepared the transfer policy guidelines and sent them to all the departments. They were asked to prepare and send a report as per their departmental requirements incorporating the guidelines within a month.

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