Indian Doctor Puts Lives At Risk!

S Venkateshwari
Following two concerning colonoscopy operations, Florida-based gastroenterologist Dr. Ishwari Prasad, an 84-year-old Indian-American, is facing disciplinary action. In one instance, a patient cried out in agony as the surgery was being performed, but since Dr. Ishwari prasad was not wearing his hearing aids, he was unable to respond.
This occurred on june 5 at the Tampa Ambulatory Surgery Center. The patient had extreme agony because Dr. prasad started the colonoscopy before the patient was completely sedated. Despite the obvious discomfort, the patient's pleas went unheeded, and the surgery carried on. Apart from the error about sedation, during another treatment, Dr. prasad assigned crucial medical duties to an unlicensed surgical technician. The colonoscope was instructed to be inserted, moved, and even have polyps removed by the untrained technician.

Normally, these jobs are done by registered medical specialists, but the technician was doing them since Dr. Ishwari prasad was unable to do them himself. Dr. prasad has been placed on probation by the florida Board of Medicine due to these mistakes. In addition to the $7,500 penalties, he must pay $6,301 in additional litigation fees. In addition, he needs to finish a five-hour course on medical ethics. Dr. prasad is not allowed to undertake any medical operations on his own until he has completed ten monitored procedures to prove his expertise.

In addition, he needs to finish a five-hour course on medical ethics. Dr. prasad is not allowed to undertake any medical operations on his own until he has successfully completed ten monitored procedures to prove his expertise. There are serious questions concerning patient safety and medical monitoring when it comes to Ishwari Prasad's ability to practice despite his advanced age and hearing impairment. How are these elderly physicians still allowed to practice medicine if their only motivation is financial gain?

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