Chennai - A Famous University Students Caught in Drug Bust !?!

S Venkateshwari
Compared to 2007, the number of patients hospitalized for alcohol and drug misuse has increased by 20%, according to Dr. poorna Chandrika, Deputy Superintendent of the Institute of Mental Health. "Crimes involving drugs and alcohol are increasing in Chennai. According to v Kannadasan, a criminal lawyer who practices in the madras High Court, the perpetrator was drunk either before or during the offense in more than 25% of criminal cases in Chennai.

The aforementioned figures indicate two things: first, there is a significant increase in the number of individuals battling alcoholism and other substance misuse, and there may be a direct correlation between this and the city's crime rates. That's not all, though. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) reports that there has been a notable increase in the usage of club drugs, including cocaine and LSD, in chennai in recent times.

Now, a Famous university in Pothanur has been raided and police have seized the drugs from students. The students who are studying at this university are addicted to drugs. Searches have been made in the apartments around the university and so far 30 students have been arrested for drugs consumption. news Tamil Channel confirmed it was SRM University.

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