Putting psychological pressure on China...?

S Venkateshwari
Putting psychological pressure on China...?

It is also possible to see the Prime Minister's trip to brunei as an attempt to psychologically strain China. On september 4, prime minister Narendra Modi made a statement in brunei that seemed to be directed at Chinese actions in the South china Sea: "India supports development, not expansionism." india may exert psychological pressure on an aggressive china by engaging with these small, geographically adjacent countries on geopolitical disputes, space, international law, and technologies. This engagement could provide tangible benefits for india in the future. china might also alter its stance toward its neighbors in such a scenario.

Overall, this visit of the prime minister has proved to be very fruitful for India's foreign policy and the geopolitics of Southeast Asia. Economically, bilateral trade between india and brunei will increase. Direct flight service will start between india and brunei, which will increase people-to-people connectivity. india and brunei will work together in key areas such as space,tourism, supporting each other in regional organisations, which will benefit both countries in the near future. Geopolitically, india seems to be moving towards making its presence felt in the South china Sea, which is a direct signal to china that if china can show its presence in the indian Ocean, then india also has the capability to do so in the South china Sea.

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