Waris Pathan furious over controversial statement...?

S Venkateshwari
Waris Pathan furious over controversial statement...?

Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) leader Nitesh Rane is in the headlines every day due to his controversial statements. Meanwhile, while addressing a public meeting in Sangoli on friday (September 20), he said that policemen should be given leave for just 24 hours. After this we will show our strength. Now AIMIM has retaliated on this statement of the bjp leader. AIMIM leader Waris Pathan said that every day these people make wrong statements. I have said earlier also that BJP wants to spoil the atmosphere before the maharashtra Assembly elections.

Waris Pathan took a dig at Nitesh Rane and said that "Rane had earlier said that we will enter the mosque and kill Muslims. I say that he will come to the mosque on two legs, but will go back on a stretcher." Waris Pathan said that "Nitesh Rane is saying that within 24 hours, give leave to the police, after that we will show you our strength. If Waris Pathan had said the same thing, then today these people would have put me in jail."

Waris Pathan attacked BJP

"This is a controversial statement, according to the supreme Court, but the police are not taking any action," he continued. Why haven't the police said anything till now? Why aren't the police doing anything? How are the police doing these days? This demonstrates the BJP's desire to incite unrest throughout the state. By whatever means, it seeks to incite friction in the state in order to deflect attention from the pressing problems."

Waris Pathan said that "These people know that they have not done anything in the name of development, that is why they are giving such controversial statements to spoil the political atmosphere in the state. Earlier, Ramgiri had given a controversial statement about our lord. We had filed a formal complaint in this regard, but regrettably nothing came of it."

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