A man died with the help of a suicide capsule..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
A man died with the help of a suicide capsule..!?
 In July this year, a group advocating for assisted dying in the region announced that a portable suicide pod could be used for the first time in Switzerland. As a result, there were reports in the swiss media that people could end their lives peacefully and within minutes without medical supervision. But this idea has data-faced severe criticism. Lying inside a box called a Sarco capsule and pressing a button releases nitrogen gas and the person dies within a minute!
There are reports that you have to pay 20 dollars to use it. However... it is said that a person died with the help of this box. Yes... a man committed suicide with the help of a suicide capsule. It seems that the swiss police have detained many people and registered a criminal case against them. They say that they are taking this matter seriously. It is said that the police entered the field with the information that this man had committed suicide with the help of some people in a house in the Maryshajan Atami area. At this time, it is said that the person in question was motivated to commit suicide and several people were detained on the suspicion of cooperation.

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