Villagers of Chaman Nagariya announced boycott of voting...

Sudha Subbiah

Villagers of Chaman Nagariya village have announced boycott of voting in the by-election to be held on Khair assembly seat of Aligarh. Villagers said that due to the negligence of the electricity department, accidents are happening continuously due to 33 thousand high tension power line. Due to which they will boycott voting in the by-election.

Villagers say that a 10-year-old child lost one hand and one leg and a person of the village died due to electric current after coming in contact with the 33 thousand high tension power line passing over the village. While other people narrowly escaped losing their lives due to electric shock. Also, the villagers said that despite the demand to remove the lines, they have only received assurances, but no concrete steps have been taken. Due to which the villagers have warned that till both the power lines are not removed. Till then they will not vote.

Ten year old innocent child burnt by electric current

10 year old innocent child Shaurya, who lost one of his hands and legs after getting burnt by high tension electricity line, told that the incident happened with him about 1 year ago. When he was playing on the roof of his house, a strong storm came. Due to the storm, the loose electricity wires passing above his house swung and came down. Due to which he got badly burnt by coming in contact with the live wires. He had to lose one of his hands and one of his legs in the accident.

Shaurya's father Manoj Kumar told that the accident that happened with his child should not happen with anyone else. Regarding this, in the by-election to be held in Khair assembly 71, all 1200 voters have decided to boycott voting on the day of voting until both the high tension electricity wires passing above the houses inside the village are not removed. Even before this incident, a person of the village has died after getting stuck to the electric wires.

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