Muslim youth selling kebabs, workers created ruckus...?

Sudha Subbiah

A battle has erupted in Uttar Pradesh over name and identity, the government is strict on the deception of faith and belief. Due to the new rules and laws, everyone from shopkeepers to employees at food shops will have to make their identity public, but still conspiracies to hide name and identity are continuing unabated. In such a situation, Bajrang Dal workers created a ruckus at the cart of a kebab parantha seller in Kanpur. Bajrang Dal workers became furious over the employee selling kebabs and parantha on a cart painted in Sanatani and saffron colors.

In fact, the youth wearing Sanatani and saffron clothes was accused of being a Muslim by religion and showing and telling himself as a Sanatani by hiding his identity. Some Bajrang Dal workers reached a veg kabab paratha shop near Ramgopal crossing in Gujaini police station area of kanpur to eat kabab parathas. While eating, everyone from the shop owner to the employees were wearing saffron colour theme dress in the form of t-shirts. Bajrang Dal workers praised the dress of the employee working and serving at the shop.

During this praise, his name was also asked but the employee who was hesitant to tell his name became a doubt for the Bajrang Dal workers. After hesitating to tell his name, a Bajrang Dal worker who was eating kabab parathas started insisting on what his name was. After this, there was a ruckus in a short while. Kallu working at Baua Kabab Paratha stall may have looked very Sanatani but Kallu turned out to be a Muslim youth and not a Hindu. His full name was Mohammad Kallu which he was hesitant to tell.

Bajrang Dal workers created a ruckus

Then all the people of Hindu organization gathered and called it a conspiracy to hide the name and religion. Bajrang Dal workers said that why is Mohammad Kallu, who works at the shop, wearing Sanatani clothes. Why is he hiding his identity and playing with the faith of the people who eat at the shop. When Bajrang Dal workers talked to the Muslim youth employee dressed as a Hindu in this regard, he told that he has not worn these clothes of his own free will but the shop owner Bauaa Savita had asked him to wear these clothes.

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