If Israel blows up Iran's nuclear site, will it cause destruction?

Balasahana Suresh

The tension between iran and israel has increased so much that if israel attacks or blows up Iran's nuclear site in the future, it will not be a surprise. But now the question arises that if israel ever does this, will the blast of the nuclear site also cause the same destruction in iran as was seen in the nuclear bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let us explain it in detail in this article today.

What can happen if there is a blast at a nuclear site?

A blast at a nuclear site is different from the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Actually, when a nuclear bomb explodes, the nuclei come closer to each other, due to which the number of neutrons increases a lot. After this, the neutrons affect other nuclei and then a chain of explosions is formed. Whereas, this does not happen in the blast of a nuclear site. If israel blows up Iran's nuclear site, the blast will not be like a nuclear blast. But, it is certain that this blast will fill the area around the nuclear site with radioactive elements and common people can be seriously affected by it. Apart from this, the environment will also get polluted and it will be extremely harmful for human health. iran also suffers huge economic losses when there is a blast in a nuclear site.

israel has blown up this nuclear site

Iran's concern about its nuclear site is justified. This is because israel has done this before as well. Since its existence, israel has blown up two nuclear plants. The first of these was Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor and the second was Syria's Al-Kibar nuclear reactor.

Osirak Nuclear Reactor (1981)

israel carried out air strikes on Iraq's Osirak reactor on 7 june 1981 under Operation Opera. In fact, iraq had bought the Osirak reactor from france and with its help iraq was allegedly working on the development of nuclear weapons. Israel's reasoning behind this attack was that iraq had the capability to develop nuclear weapons, which could pose a threat to regional security.

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