Vijay seeks for power sharing in alliance by 2026...

S Venkateshwari
Vijay seeks for power sharing in alliance by 2026...

Eight months after one of tamil cinema's most renowned actors, C. Joseph Vijay, 50, declared his intention to enter electoral politics by establishing his Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), the party held its first state-level conference on Sunday, october 27, 2024, in Vikravandi, in the Villupuram district of tamil Nadu.

On february 2 of this year, Mr. Vijay announced his intention to run in the 2026 assembly elections, putting an end to ten years of speculation. On august 22, he unveiled his party's flag and flag song at TVK's headquarters in Panaiyur, which is close to Chennai. He announced on social media that Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam was recognized as a registered political party by the election commission of india (ECI) in less than three weeks.

According to Fortune india Magazine, Mr. Vijay, who is at the height of his acting career, is the second-highest celebrity taxpayer in India. Years after he initially appeared on screen as a child actor, he made his leading-role debut in 1992 in the tamil film Naalaiya Theerpu, which was directed by his father, S.A. Chandrasekhar. Within five days of its premiere, his most recent film, GOAT, brought in over ₹300 crore at the box office. Vijay's final acting role will be in the H. Vinoth-directed film, which is provisionally named Thalapathy 69.

Vijay claims that the alliance shares power.

"In the upcoming 2026 assembly elections, we have unwavering faith in people to win us a single majority." "We will give parties a power share in governance if they want to form an alliance," said TVK president Vijay.

Vijay lashes out at detractors

In response to those who criticize him as an artist, Vijay compares himself to the late mgr and NTR, who made significant contributions to tamil Nadu and andhra pradesh politics, respectively.

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