Age verification on adult sites soon!

Popular adult and porn websites like Porn hub and YouPorn which have huge volume of subscribers and reach than social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and Instagram among youngsters of the world is all set to put forth a major access block for preventing all including minors to access their websites as they're bringing a feature to stop this introducing it in the UK with the country's government planning to introduce age verification feature for online pornography effective from July 15.

The law is mainly introduced as an effort to stop kids and people who are not supposed to watch porn and Stop them from viewing or accessing explicit images and videos. AgeID is a new feature launched by the government to be introduced in the two websites Pornhub and YouPorn.

As per company statement, the user must register AgeID account with email address and password and after email address verification then  verification of age is done by 3rd party using SMS, Passport or  License details and after verification users can access porn.

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