Andhra Police frame new rules for 'Call Money' scam

Sekar Chandra
The 'Money Racketing' issue is creating more and more troubles at the state. The 'Call Money Scam' was recently exposed in Andhra Pradesh. Police are investigating the case. So far few people from various political parties were arrested. In this scam, we hear there were blackmail, extortion and sex racket.

This scam has not only shocked people and police, it also has shocked politicians, business men and money lenders. The Andhra Pradesh government has taken strict actions in order to eradicate this scam.

Now Police has framed some new rules in order to protect borrowers from the wrong persons. It is known that lakhs of people never get loans from banks due to lack of proper documentation and other details. They rely heavily on private money lenders to bail them out of crisis.

That is the reason behind this scam. Police have clearly organized some new rules in order to save people. The rules was implemented recently and they were thrown into action since yesterday. Police feel that they can trap few more criminals with this new rules.

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