Has Medical profession is now all about 'Money Making' ?

Sekar Chandra
There are few professions which are often considered as noble professions. Of course, 'Money' is the bottom line. But apart from that money factor, there is a sense of satisfaction which will not be got in other jobs.

Even in Chiranjeevi's 'Tagore', the actor used to say, "A is the only one who can give and save lives." That is the kind of respect, doctors get in our society. You can see any person, and if he says, "I am an Engineer", "I am a mechanic" he never gets the respect.

But when he says he is a doctor, the treatment is completely different. But recently the income tax raids on Apollo group of hospitals has changed the view. Most people feel that even hospitals are money making stuff. Everyone sees Hospitals as lucrative business where profit is the ultimate goal.

When money matters over service, Quality definitely will be a down fall. Naturally doctors also tend to lose their respect. So far IT department never revealed the outcome of raids. They never even said how much they have ceased or whether they are clear.

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