Lokesh Boosts T-TDP Leaders


Time for elections has arrived in Hyderabad. Major parties are playing tug of war for victory. TDP young leader Nara Lokesh who is silent till yesterday is raising his voice now. He is giving guidance and tips for party members and activists.


In a speech delivered by Lokesh; he asked TDP leaders to gift GHMC Mayor Seat to Chandra Babu who developed Hyderabad and developing Amaravathi now. 92 candidates who got B-forms were wished all the best. Lokesh quoted that they have chaired mayor seat many times in past and this is not new or difficult for them.


All the participants took a promise for victory in the presence of Lokesh. Senior TDP leaders L.Ramana, Revanth Reddy, Yerrabelli Dayakar Rao, Ravula Chandra Sekhar, and R.Krishnayya have attended the meeting. Lokesh released the CD of TDP campaign.


Lokesh spoke to media for some time; criticized KCR and KTR. People lost faith in KCR and so he has sent KTR before them said Lokesh. KCR is spending most of his time in form house than secretariat. KTR challenged a win of minimum 100 seats which is impossible for them he said.


If TRS really has stamina then why did they force TDP leaders into their party he asked. In greater elections; TDP is the king maker he said. He scheduled 45 meetings in 8 days of stay in Hyderabad.





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