Hillary Clinton puts big crack?

Prasad Geeta

Hillary Clinton created history by becoming the first woman ever to be nominated for the US presidential elections in United States by any political party. She delivered her first speech as official Democrat Nominee. He speech was quoted by many and referred to as Hillary Clinton "put the biggest crack in the glass ceiling yet"

Entire world media reacted to her speech and Hillary Clinton as everyone knows is no stranger to controversy. ABC news reported that Clinton making history and felt that it united the divisive voices with in Democratic camp. It gave credit for Clinton's progress peeech and added "Somehow, though, the room swayed but never tipped against Clinton this week,"

However Time and The New York Times were little more cautious in giving full marks to Hillary Clinton. The New York Times felt that "Total unity has been elusive, and could remain so. As Mrs Clinton accepted the nomination, some Sanders delegates stood stone-data-faced, occasionally booing or silently protesting," Time even reported that some Sanders supporters cancelled their plan to walkout of the convention during Hillary Clinton's speech out of respect that never came really. 

Even Bernie supporters were seen interrupting Clinton shouting 'no more wars' and she acknowledged 'I hear you'. Though Clinton called for unity she is not a novice in politics. She then attacked Donald Trump, Republican nominee saying "A man you can bait with tweets is not a man we can trust with weapons" The Telegraph titled  Hillary Clinton says 'little men' like Donald Trump are too volatile to be president as she becomes first female nominee, while Business Insider picked up the aforementioned jibe as a headline for their report.

ABC Australia however reported "tearing into Donald Trump won't win her hard core Hilary Clinton haters."  Chicago Tribune  came up with a piece playing up on the nostalgia that how the roles of the Clinton couple were reversed.  and termed  "the type of role reversal Americans will need getting used to." 

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