Co-creator, illustrator for V for Vendetta represents mask

Sekar Chandra
David Lioyd co-creator and illustrator of V for Vendetta, confesses that when he was sitting on my desk, working out that gritty grin and adding rouge to the cheeks of the mask, never even for a second did he think that some day that very mask will become a universal symbol of freedom and protest.

Meanwhile the movie, V for Vendetta was a collaborative creation, in which characters and settings were not cemented in place in the start itself and so they have worked along the way, figuring out what was needed to depict the characters, from the grin to the rouge. 

David has stated that writing and illustrating are equally immersive and take up a lot of effort. Writing and illustrating are interdependent and however, writing takes less time and effort than drawing, so from that simple point of view, it is easier, and thus preferable in the context of time and labour taken.

He has given advice for any artist trying to enter any field of art, be it comics or otherwise, is to just study the needs of that field, don't take short cuts. But, above all, learn how to draw very well, because if you can do that, almost everything else in art is a technical discipline.

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