ISIS threaten to kill Trump?

Prasad Geeta

US President Donald Trump may be scaring all across the world with his sensational decisions and people may spend sleepless nights experiencing Trump nightmares. However dreaded terror organisation ISIS is not scared of Trump. 

Infact it gave shock to Donald Trump. It is comingout that Donald Trump is in the kill list of 8000 in pro ISIS group. United Cyber Caliphate, a pro ISIS hacking group released the jill list of the names of Americans they would wish to see killd by lone wolf men. 

The group released a video threatening to kill President Donald Trump and other well-known politicians, celebrities, religious leaders and Muslims who have spoken out against the terror group in the UK, US, Canada and Afghanistan.

The group threatened to release the  names, addresses and email addresses of 8,786 people it wants “wiped off the data-face of the earth. Kill lists are issued to inspire lone gunmen to carryout attacks. 

The group said “We have a message to the people of the US and most importantly your President Trump,” and added “Know that we continue to  wage war against you. Know that your counter attacks only make us stronger. The United Cyber Caliphate will start a new step in this war against you. So expect us soon.”

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