Did Trump get gay shock?

Prasad Geeta

Donald Trump is known for his shocking aggression and he surprises all with his likes and dislikes. What others like Donald Trump doesn't like and vice versa. Now many are wondering whether Donald Trump got gay shock. 

Nikos Giannopoulos, a gay teacher met Donald Trump and he struck a pose which many took as an act of defiance. He cocked his head slightly away from Trump towards the  black lace fan he got with him. He spored a rainbow pin on his lapel, a ring through his nose and a gold anchor around his neck.

The snap went viral and many posted it as “Bold, Gay Teacher Of The Year Photo Bombs Donald Trump With Fan,”  Giannopoulos who received the photo recently took down his critics. 

Explaining his attire and pose he said it was the same style he wore in the classroom at Beacon Charter High School for the Arts, where his work as a special-education teacher won him Rhode Island's teacher of the year award and a trip to the White House in April.

He said “The issue with being openly queer is our existence is constantly politicised,”  He said Trump who spotted the fan shorlty told him “He said I had good style.”

About the pose he said “I said, 'I was hoping to pose with this,'” he said. “They said, 'No - just put it away.' ”

He did, for a minute. But before the shutter snapped, Giannopoulos asked the president if he minded.“He said, sure.” So the fan came out, the ensemble was complete, “and the rest is history,”

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