Trump and Kim exchange repeated insults on Twitter and that creates a panic among people!

Washington sources have stated that White House had defended Donald Trump's tweet about the data-size of his nuclear button, by saying Americans should be very much concerned about the North Korean leader's mental fitness, not their president's.

Recently Trump responded to a New Year's Day speech in which North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned he had a nuclear button on his desk by saying that his nuclear button "is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works”. Meanwhile Trump has at times appeared to dismiss the prospect of a diplomatic solution and both sides have threatened to destroy each other.

Moreover Kim said his country would focus in 2018 on mass producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment, but further added that these would be used only if North Korea's security was threatened and deal with the practical matters related to the dispatch of our delegation. Further Kim also said he would consider sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics to be held in South Korea in February.

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