Trump proves his excellence in intelligence test!!

In the medical examination conducted on American President Donald Trump, it has been revealed that he has cleared the medical tests with stunning results. The said tests were conducted on the American president, to test his memory power and intelligence, as well as vital skills. The Intelligence tests were conducted last week on Trump, and he had performed very well.


The results of the test were announced at the White House by Navy Doctor Rony Jackson. While exclaiming that Trump had a sharp memory power, Rony revealed some of the tests cleared including names mentioned and repeating the same, numbers mentioned in random and telling them, number of words memorized in a minute, to name a few.


Rony further revealed that there was a reason behind the sudden memory and intelligence tests on Trump, adding that the reason was the recent revelations on a book released weeks back that Trump had mentally been affected. Rony went on to add that Trump is very healthy, and is also undergoing special diets and fitness practices to maintain his health, besides also revealing that the tests were conducted on being insisted by Trump himself.


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