Trump pushed for an immigration policy that attracts the best & brightest to the US

Sources from Washington stated that the flood of low skilled immigrants into the US has suppressed wages, harmed American workers and strained federal resources, the White House said, a day after President Donald Trump called for merit based immigration system that could benefit Indian professionals. Meanwhile according to the White House, countries like Canada and Australia use a merit-based immigration system that benefits both the immigrants and those nations.

Meanwhile the White House cited a recent Harvard-Harris poll, according to which 79% of those polled believed the immigration system should be based on an alien's ability to contribute to America as measured by their education and skills. Accordingly "The flood of low-skilled immigrants into the United States has suppressed wages, harmed American workers, and strained federal resources".

Further Trump also sought an end to chain migration. Moreover Trump called for ending the visa lottery program, and therefore stopping our current practice of awarding green cards without consideration of skills or merit.

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