Did the peace Winter Olympics bring harmony?

According to sources two of the four athletes who tested positive in Pyeongchang were Russian, including a curler who had to return his bronze medal. Mr. Bach said "The IOC executive board decided first not to lift the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee for the closing ceremony".

As per latest report "Therefore, no delegation of the Russian Olympic Committee will have taken part in these Olympic Winter Games." Meanwhile earlier Russia was banned in December from taking part in Pyeongchang following revelations of widespread doping at the 2014 Sochi Games. But 168 athletes deemed doping-free were allowed to compete as neutrals at this year's games.

Accordingly Sky News Asia Correspondent Katie Stallard-Blanchette said that while Russian athletes will appear in neutral uniforms today, they will likely soon compete under the national banner if no further doping charges are found. Meanwhile, a high-level delegation of North Korean officials has arrived in Pyeongchang to attend the closing ceremony. Furthermore Ivanka Trump, the US President's daughter, will also attend the closing ceremony after two days of visiting venues and meeting American athletes.

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