Chaos in Air India flights!

In an Air India flight, last Friday during its journey, the interior parts got dismantled and fell, causing sudden chaos and fear among the passengers. Following this unforeseen event the flight was immediately landed. This incident took place in the Boeing 747 category flight which was bound to travel from Amritsar to Delhi. 

As the interior parts of the flight fell down, it has caused severe damages and injuries to several passengers in the flight. Following a huge sound in the flight during its travel, several interior parts inside the flight broke unexpectedly and fell over the passengers and even the oxygen tubes fell down. 


With 3 passengers injured, one had been heavily bleeding, and all the passengers were given medical assistance immediately after landing. It was said that this unfortunate incident was due to turbulence when flying from a height of 8000 ft to 20000 ft, but still, the exact reason for this is being analyzed by Air India authorities.


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