A Police officer saves a baby from Ash house after Volcano erupts - WATCH VIDEO

Volcanic Eruptions are one of the worst hit disasters which affect many people in the world. Most of the people are left with no place to go and the loss of life is also saddening, but sometimes miracles do happen as God sends his Angels in some form.

Recently, Volcan de Fuego killed 69 people when it erupted and rained lava in Guatemala. Despite that, a Police officer saved a baby unharmed by the devastation caused. The entire house is covered in ash, but the child was totally unharmed.

The people around were scared as the volcano sprayed ash, gases, and rocks at the house. The video is now going viral on the social media and the Police Officer is getting applause from all quarters. Watch the video below,


De esta manera nuestros valientes elementos de Policía Nacional Civil rescatan a una bebé, luego que el #VolcánDeFuego hiciera erupción. pic.twitter.com/leoviIMPL1

— PNC Guatemala (@PNCdeGuatemala) June 4, 2018

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