Friday13th an evil combination of planets ?

Seetha Sailaja

Friday, the 13, is known world over as an ‘unlucky day’ and is feared  and dreaded by Catholics ,Muslims ,Jews and also Hindus  in equal spirits. �� When 13 date falls on Friday, then it’s the most dreaded and fearful combination. Normally Westerners spend this day in fear postponing all their activities on the day. The impact is  of Friday the 13th is so high that many foreign airlines report a drop in revenues passengers  cancel trips fearing  planes crashes . Many cringe with fear on this scary day as if something dangerous is going happen either in personal life or societal life.

Why so, there is a compilation to show why Friday, the 13th is a deadly combination.

  •  The root for this fear about Friday the 13th is in bible. It was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified.
  • It was on Friday that Eve tempted Adam with forbidden apple. Coming to 13, numerologists believe 13 as an unlucky number as it comes after 12 which is a complete and wholesome number.
  • Also there were 13 guests at ‘Last supper’ the 13th being Judas who betrayed Jesus.
  • The 13 number is so much feared in western society that many hotels and buildings do not have a 13th room or floor.

However on this 13th Friday, one wish of the millions of Indians has been fulfilled.i.e. Death sentence for the gang rapists of  Decemebr 16th ,2012  incident of Delhi

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