India ranked 47th in the overall "Inclusive Internet Index 2019"

Reportedly Sweden topped the chart, followed by Singapore and the US in Inclusive Internet Index 2019, a Facebook led study has revealed. The study noted “Men still have more Internet access than women globally but low and lower middle income countries narrowed the gender gap in 2018”. Furthermore the Inclusive Internet Index (3i) prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for Facebook, there are demonstrable benefits from comprehensive female e-inclusion policies, digital skills programs and targets for women and girls to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Robert Pepper, Head of Global Connectivity Policy and Planning at Facebook, said in a blog post "Inclusion for women and those with disabilities has improved, with low income and lower middle income countries driving progress". Reportedly affordability is declining relative to monthly income in many countries, disproportionately affecting women and people in low income countries, all of whom are more reliant on mobile as their primary means of accessing the Internet.

Moreover the findings showed "Internet connections in low income countries increased by only 0.8 per cent compared to 65.1% last year”.  Apparently more than half (52.2%) of respondents said they are not confident about their online privacy.

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