Kishore Chandra Deo wants three pieces?

saraswathi nikhil
At a time when the people of Seemandhra are very upset that Andhra Pradesh is becoming into two, it is heard that Union Minster Kishore Chandra Deo wants AP to be split into three pieces. This comes as a surprise given his stand on the whole issue. Sources say that in his report to GoM, he mentioned that AP should be trifurcated instead of being bifurcated and he has mentioned that even Rayalaseema should be made new state now itself instead of facing such a situation three years later. Some of the Seemandhra ministers want Hyderabad as UT, some want Rayala Telangana, few among them want only United AP and others want separate Rayalaseema than one stand over United AP. Telangana Congress leaders seem to be a silver lining in all these argument saying inspite of CM Kiran’s efforts this disunity is enough to clear the way for Telangana and Kishore’s arguments are enough to add some new spice for the debate! 

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