U.S conveys regrets to Pak... ending seven month old stand off...Will this love be lasting?

U.S.A the only superpower of the world, was finally forced to express regrets to Pakistan; regarding the November, 2012 attack, in which 24 soldiers of the Pak army were killed. Thus the seven month-long row; which affected the supplies of the NATO led forces in Afghanistan came to an end. U.S foreign secretary Hillary Clinton said in a statement that she offered “deepest regrets” over the accidental killings of the Pak soldiers. In its turn Pakistan would reopen the crucial supply routes for the NATO forces in Afghanistan. This helps the U.S in saving hundreds of million dollars, during the course of its plans to withdraw from Afghanistan by 2014.More so it helps in shortening the present costlier supply route via Central Asia, which the U.S is using for moving container trucks after the dispute with Pakistan. Pakistan on the other side is hoping that, the Regrets tendered in by U.S would help in improving the relations of it with the U.S and the NATO countries. But,despite these overt positive indicators as to the thawing of the relations between the two countries; covert forces are already at work that could play spoil sport with this honeymoon. This could be garnered from the fact that the Pakistani Taliban had already threatened that it would attack the U.S supply convoys, once they start rolling in. Moreover anti-Americanism has reached its zenith in Pakistan; because of the U.S drone attacks on the Pakistani territory, which many Pakistani’s believe is the violation of their countries sovereignty.  Pakistan has pointed out that these attacks are killing the civilians too and thus are aggravating the public anger toward the U.S. and the Pakistani governments. But it is noteworthy that Hillary Clinton did not mention a word as to the use of drones on Pak territory, in her statement that has conveyed the Regrets. So, the present mellowing of relations between these countries is very tenuous and may not last beyond another drone attack. Let us wait and watch...before coming to final conclusions. But one thing is sure for now, this time around; either both the Governments would be the winners of this truce or else both would be the losers together. There is no middle path.  

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